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Dear Miyayama, It was wonderful hearing from you. I can feel your anger. Monica is in Florence for the night and I am home alone and have a few moments to contemplate and re-read your letter. Yes, the Nobel prizes, especially in the non-science categories have become totally political. Bob Dylan winning for literature is silly, but I believe this is the new future! Everything is being water down to insignificant trivial. As you said, the arts and cultures are under attack. It is wrong, but part of this new global movement, everything is becoming increasingly more dull and uninteresting. The word “art” is being use to describe everything. Fine art in the new global world is dead, in a grave. Many young people are indoctrinated to believe that this type of aesthetic, artistic, and intellectual rubbish. Freedom and individuality is rapidly becoming something of the pass. All art is becoming to look the same. The USA is not paradise. In my opinion it never was, this idea is not only foolish, but a form of global brainwashing. Now in Italy I can see how we are loosing our identity. I was happy that the British want out of the EU, so do I and hope Italy follows suite. But I think it might be too late. Japanese young people, like Italians must understand their own culture and not “want” to be something else. If we continue on this road you will not be able to appreciate the difference between rich and interesting cultures and people. One of the most interesting things ever said to me was many years ago in your school, when you brought me to your studio and showed me your new etchings and said to me, “I have returned home.” It does not get better then that! How is your treatment going? We all miss you and await your return. xf

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Ⓒ Hiroaki Miyayama 宮山広明

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